Sanctions Against Oligarchs

Alan Lushnikov : Sanctions by US, UK, EU (2023 Update)

Alan Lushnikov, a Russian Oligarch , businessman and former government official, was born in Moscow on August 10, 1976. He earned a degree in international law from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 1998.

Alan Valeryevich Lushnikov is the Beneficiary of JSC “Concern Kalashnikov“, General Director/Founder of “TKKH-INVEST” LLC, founder of LLC “PERSPECTIVE”, founder of LLC “DREAM IT”.

Alan Lushnikov has been sanctioned by the following Countries.


Alan Lushnikov: Russian Oligarch Sanctioned for Role in Ukraine War

Alan Lushnikov initiated his political career journey in the year 2000 when he became part of the Russian Federation’s Ministry of Transport. Within the ministry, he fulfilled various roles, progressing from the position of Deputy Head of the Department for International Cooperation to eventually serving as Deputy Minister. In 2012, he assumed the role of Assistant to Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister, Arkady Dvorkovich. His career continued to ascend, culminating in his appointment as Deputy Minister of Transport in the Russian Federation in 2017. However, he chose to step down from this position in September 2018.

In August 2019, Lushnikov assumed the role of Chief Executive Officer at Perspektiva LLC, a prominent Russian investment firm. Additionally, he holds positions on the boards of numerous other companies, including the well-known Russian arms manufacturer, Concern Kalashnikov JSC.

JSC Kalashnikov Concern is a Russian developer and manufacturer of army equipment, including personal rifles, missiles and vehicles. It is directly controlled by Rostec. Vikhr-1 guided aircraft missiles and AK-12 assault rifles produced by JSC Kalashnikov Concern were used by the Russian Armed Forces during Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine in 2022.

He is therefore responsible for supporting materially or financially actions which undermined or threatened the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. Russia’s defense corporations and individuals affiliated with them benefit from the ongoing war of aggression of Russia against Ukraine.

JSC Kalashnikov Concern both contributes to the supply of arms to the Russian Armed Forces and benefits from the growing need for arms. Therefore, Alan Lushnikov is benefitting from the Government of the Russian Federation, which is responsible for the annexation of Crimea and the destabilisation of Ukraine.

A discernible pattern of affiliations links Alan Lushnikov to Vladimir Putin. Lushnikov is a member of Putin’s political party, he provides consultancy services to the Russian government, he holds a position on the board of directors of a significant Russian defense industry firm, and he has faced sanctions from Western authorities due to his associations with Putin. These associations suggest a close alliance with Putin and indicate that he holds a significant role within the Russian administration.

United States Sanctions on Alan Lushnikov

Alan Valeryevich Lushnikov (Lushnikov) is the largest shareholder and president of the U.S.-designated Kalashnikov Concern, the original manufacturer of the AK-47 assault rifle.  Lushnikov indirectly owns 75 percent of Kalashnikov Concern’s shares with the remaining 25 percent being owned by U.S.-designated State Corporation Rostec. Lushnikov is being designated pursuant to E.O. 14024 for operating or having operated in the defense and related materiel sector of the Russian Federation economy.

LLC TKKH-Invest (TKKH-Invest) is the financial vehicle through which Lushnikov owns shares in Kalashnikov Concern. Lushnikov owns 100 percent of TKKH-Invest, and TKKH-Invest owns 75 percent of Kalashnikov Concern. TKKH-Invest was designated pursuant to E.O. 14024 for being owned or controlled by, or having acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, Lushnikov, a person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to E.O.14024.

United Kingdom Sanctions on Alan Lushnikov

(UK Sanctions List Ref) : RUS1916. Financial sanctions imposed in addition to an asset freeze:

Trust services. Date trust services
sanctions imposed: 18/05/2023.

(UK Statement of Reasons) : Alan Valerievich LUSHNIKOV
(“LUSHNIKOV”) is an “involved person” under the Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations
2019 (the “Russia Sanctions Regulations”) because LUSHNIKOV is and has been involved
in obtaining a benefit from or supporting the Government of Russia by owning or
controlling a Government of Russia affiliated entity, namely JSC Concern Kalashnikov,
carrying on business in a sector of strategic significance to the Government of Russia,
namely the Russian defence sector.

European Union Sanctions on Alan Lushnikov

The current sanctions package adds the persons and entities involved in ordering and organising the illegal referenda in the occupied regions of Ukraine – including political decision-makers and members of the Central Election Commission (and the Commission itself) – to the list in Annex I to Regulation (EU) 269/2014. A number of new names on the list come from the Russian defence sector, including Alan Lushnikov (the largest shareholder of arms manufacturer JSC Kalashnikov Concern), several defence companies, and certain members of the Russian Armed Forces.

Japan Sanctions on Alan Lushnikov

in Feb 2023, Japan has implemented fresh sanctions targeting 121 Russian entities and individuals, as announced by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. These sanctions encompass 48 Russian citizens and 73 organizations. The list comprises notable figures such as Aleksandr Kharichev, who leads the Russian President’s Department of the State Council, Boris Rapoport, his deputy, various personnel from the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Deputy Minister of Defense Viktor Goremykin, and Alan Lushnikov, the head of the Kalashnikov concern.

Furthermore, Japan has opted to prohibit exports to 21 organizations linked to the Ukrainian conflict and restrict the sale of specific components. These measures build upon earlier restrictions, which included the embargo on semiconductors and other technological components and devices.

Japan also had stopped the export of semiconductors and microchip components that could potentially find application within the Russian military sector, among other measures. Additionally, they implemented restrictions on the sale of luxury automobiles to Russia.

According to the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, the sanctions include the freezing of assets, if they exist.

Canada Sanctions on Alan Valeryevich Lushnikov

The Consolidated Canadian Autonomous Sanctions List includes Alan subject to specific sanctions regulations made under the Special Economic Measures Act (SEMA) and the Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act (JVCFOA).

Switzerland Sanctions on Alan Valeryevich Lushnikov

On February 28, 2022, the Federal Council decided to adopt the European Union (EU) sanctions against Russia and thus increase their impact. The existing regulation was therefore subjected to a total revision on March 4, 2022.

Australia Sanctions on Alan Valeryevich Lushnikov

Latest on Alan Lushnikov Sanctions: What’s Happening Now?

The United States and its coalition of allies have observed a notable increase in the trade of chips and related electronic components to Russia, facilitated by channels through Armenia, Kazakhstan, and various other nations. They have jointly expressed apprehension regarding the transfer of eight specific categories of chips and electronic devices, which they classify as highly sensitive due to their pivotal role in the development of weaponry, including Russian cruise missiles deployed in actions such as those seen in Ukraine.

In May UK added Alan Lushnikov, a former Russian Deputy Minister for Transport, who owns a majority stake in the Kalashnikov weapons manufacturer, as well as neobank Tinkoff, which had over 20 million customers in 2021 into their fresh list of Sanctioned Indiviuals.

Alexander Harris

Alexander Harris - The Digital Bloodhound Alexander isn't your typical investigative journalist. He thrives in the digital world, scouring the web for hidden connections and leaked documents. An expert data analyst and coder, he builds intricate digital trails to expose fraud, cybercrime, and government overreach. Alexander Harris began his career as a journalist. He is one of the founders of the " Russian Oligarchs Tracker Unit ".

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