Oligarchs Deaths

Suicide Or Murder Of Leonid Shulman (Jan 2022)

Suicide Or Murder Of Leonid Shulman ?

Russian Oligarch Leonid Shulman was found dead on February 28, 2022, in his home in the village of Portofino in the Primorsky Krai region of Russia. His death was ruled a suicide by the Russian Investigative Committee.

According to the official account, Shulman died from a gunshot wound to the head. He was found with a gun in his hand and a suicide note next to his body. The note reportedly said that Leonid Shulman was suffering from depression and that he did not want to be a burden to his family.

However, there have been a number of questions raised about the circumstances of Shulman’s death. Some have speculated that he may have been murdered, while others have said that the suicide note may have been forged.

The Russian Investigative Committee has said that there is no evidence to suggest that Shulman’s death was anything other than a suicide.

It is said that it appears Leonid Shulman committed suicide due to pain in his broken leg. He was wearing an Ilizarov apparatus, a sort of circular frame that serves as a cast, which can be a lengthy and painful process.

Ilizarov Apparatus Said to be worn by Leonid Shulman
Ilizarov Apparatus

Why Sudden “Murder-Suicides” of Gazprom Executives?

In late 2021 and early 2022, Russian intelligence compiled two lists of energy executives suspected of leaking information about secret Russian foreign intelligence operations, including the invasion of Ukraine. Swedish economist Anders Aslund claims that Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the assassination of everyone on the list without even looking at it. Aslund also alleges that Putin finances many of his operations through Gazprom and Gazprombank, and that the executives who work there are aware of this secret financing. The gas sector, he says, is the most corrupt sector in Russia. Many Russian oligarchs have died suddenly so far this year, some under suspicious circumstances.

Documentary : Secrets of the Oligarch Wives

The documentary Secrets of the Oligarch Wives, released on Paramount+ on June 28, 2023, also addresses the mysterious deaths of powerful Russians. It features the stories of oligarchs’ partners and what they witnessed while close to the Kremlin regime. One of the documentary’s subjects, Russian banker German Gorbuntsov, called this year’s wave of mysterious deaths “not a coincidence.”

“Secrets of the Oligarch Wives” | Official trailer

Why Gazprom Security Service Staff Present?

Locals said that Gazprom’s security service, surrounded the territory, and put us and most of the police outside the fence of the house. They said that Shulman had been on sick leave due to a leg injury. So suicide was totally out of question.

The 60-year-old Leonid Shulman was discovered with multiple stab wounds in a pool of blood on his bathroom floor.

A note was found, the contents of which have not been disclosed, and the Russian Investigative Committee reportedly refused to discuss the deaths.

It’s reported a knife was found in the bathtub, seemingly out of reach.


In June 2022, the Dutch NOS news network said that many of the Russian billionaires that have died worked in the oil and gas industries.

The first recognized death was in January 2022 when Leonid Shulman, the transport chief for the Russian energy corporation Gazprom, was found dead in the bathroom of his country house. A suicide note was found at the scene.

The Atlantic has called this phenomenon “Sudden Russian Death Syndrome.”

Many families and friends of the deceased Russian oligarchs have found their deaths suspicious and called for an independent investigation.

“Putin is a sultanistic oligarch, which means he is the lead or alpha oligarch in Russia. He can make or break oligarchs. He is both the source of safety and of risk.”

Why are so many billionaires with bodyguards and access to the best healthcare dying suddenly? Some people believe that Russian President Vladimir Putin is responsible.

James Buxton

James Buxton - Undercover Champion James isn't your flashy headline chaser. He's a meticulous investigative journalist known for his relentless pursuit of the truth, one painstaking detail at a time. James thrives on combing through public records, chasing down obscure leads, and building a case brick by brick. His dogged determination exposed a local politician's web of financial corruption hidden within years of dry budget reports. James 's work rarely makes the evening news, but it delivers impactful change through legal action and policy reform. He's a hero for those who value the power of slow and steady investigative journalism.

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