
Navalny’s mother Lyudmila Navalnaya says she’s seen son’s body

Lyudmila Navalnaya , mother of Alexey Navalny, the Russian opposition politician who tragically passed away in an Arctic penal colony, has come forward with disturbing revelations about the pressure she’s facing regarding her son’s funeral arrangements. Lyudmila Navalnaya disclosed that she had finally been allowed to see her son’s body after being denied access for several days following his death. However, she expressed distress over being coerced into holding a secret funeral.

Lyudmila Navalnaya Statement

Lyudmila Navalnaya ,Mother of Putin Critic, Alexei Navalny Says She has Been Shown his Body

In a video posted on her son’s YouTube channel, Navalnaya recounted the intimidation tactics employed by officials, who threatened her if she did not comply with their demands for secrecy. She claimed that an investigator, identified only as Voropayev, warned her that time was running out and insinuated that if she refused a secret burial, something would be done to her son’s body. Navalnaya further alleged that the Russian Investigative Committee was pressuring her to agree to bury Navalny quietly without the opportunity for proper farewells.

Ivan Zhdanov, director of Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation, corroborated Navalnaya’s account, detailing the numerous conditions imposed by the committee for releasing Navalny’s body. These conditions included holding a private funeral, transporting the body to Moscow on a special plane, and having constant oversight by a committee employee until the burial. Zhdanov also mentioned the committee’s concern about potential unrest at the morgue, leading to the requirement for Navalny’s body to be kept in specific regions before burial.

Navalny’s mother faced additional pressure when she was initially denied her preferred cemetery choice, eventually settling on Khovanskoye cemetery in Moscow. Zhdanov revealed that Navalnaya was coerced into agreeing to these conditions.

Navalny’s tragic demise in the Arctic penal colony has sparked widespread outrage and suspicion, with many, including Navalny’s wife Yulia, pointing fingers at Russian President Vladimir Putin. Despite facing legal persecution and imprisonment, Navalny remained a prominent figure in Russia’s opposition movement, advocating for democracy and exposing corruption within the government.

As Navalny’s family grapples with the aftermath of his untimely death, they continue to face coercion and intimidation from Russian authorities, underscoring the challenges of dissent in a country where opposition voices are often silenced.

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