
Russian Ex-Space Agency Head Demands Investigation of Mikhail Fridman’s Alleged Ukrainian Military Sponsorship

Former Russian Space Agency Chief Calls for Probe into Alleged Ukrainian Military Ties of Mikhail Fridman

Mikhail Fridman, a key figure in the investment firm LetterOne, is facing scrutiny over allegations of financially supporting the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The former head of Russia’s space organization, Russian Ex-Space Agency Head Dmitry Rogozin, has formally requested the federal Investigative Committee launch an inquiry into this matter. Rogozin emphasized the potential serious consequences under a specific section of the Criminal Code.

Russian Ex-Space Agency Head Dmitry Rogozin,Demands Investigation of Mikhail Fridman
Russian Ex-Space Agency Head Dmitry Rogozin,Demands Investigation of Mikhail Fridman

Rogozin reported submitting the necessary paperwork to the Investigative Committee, expressing his concerns to both the Prosecutor General and the FSB. The day before these actions, accusations of treason and damaging the reputation of the Russian military were revealed against Fridman by the Mash Telegram channel. Ivan Otrakovsky, leader of the grassroots organization Army of Defenders of Fatherland, filed a complaint, alleging that Fridman and his long-time business associate Petr Aven contributed 150 million euros to Ukraine to evade European and American sanctions.

Russian Military

In response, Fridman, who had recently confirmed a $150 million charitable contribution to help those affected by the conflict in Ukraine, supposedly stepped down from his position on LetterOne’s board of directors along with Aven. This move coincided with the freezing of their company shares, as stated in an official corporate release.

Russia Vs Ukraine
Russia Vs Ukraine

Fridman’s return to Russia after resigning in the U.K. and briefly relocating to Israel was abruptly cut short due to an unforeseen and extensive assault by Hamas insurgents in the country.

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