
US Treasury Sanctions Russian National for Virtual Currency Money Laundering

Ekaterina Zhdanova was sanctioned by the US for laundering funds and facilitating hundreds of millions of dollars in crypto transactions to help Russian elites avoid sanctions.

US Treasury Sanctions Russian: The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the Department of the Treasury has put in place strong safeguards to prevent money laundering associated with virtual currency. OFAC has imposed penalties on Ekaterina Zhdanova, a Russian national, in an attempt to stop her from using virtual assets to circumvent international restrictions.

Zhdanova is alleged to have played a crucial role in the process of laundering and moving money for Russian elites through digital currencies. This action highlights the United States’ dedication to protecting the worldwide financial system from unlawful financial practices, especially those related to cryptocurrencies.


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Sanctions against Ekaterina Zhdanova

Ekaterina Zhdanova is now subject to sanctions from the US Treasury as part of a larger campaign against affluent people, government officials in Russia, and others who utilize cryptocurrency to avoid international restrictions. Zhdanova’s alleged involvement in facilitating illegal financial transactions using virtual currency has drawn the attention of US authorities.

Zhdanova helped a Russian customer hide their wealth and transfer more than $2.3 million illegally to Western Europe, according to accusations made by Treasury authorities. Deceptive means, including the creation of investment accounts and the purchase of real estate, were used to achieve this. In addition to undermining the integrity of the global financial system, these illicit financial activities provide people and organizations with the ability to avoid the consequences of the international sanctions placed on Russia.

Exploiting OFAC-designated crypto exchange

For her operations, Zhdanova allegedly used Garantex Europe OU, a Russian digital currency platform that has OFAC approval. Due to its blatant disregard for its obligations to stop money laundering and terrorist financing, this platform has drawn notice for being a preferred choice for people engaging in illegal Bitcoin transactions. The usage of these services emphasizes how urgent it is to tighten regulatory oversight in the bitcoin industry.

Zhdanova was in charge of keeping an eye on the digital currency transactions of Russian businessmen who had left the country for other places. Helping a Russian billionaire send more than $100 million to the United Arab Emirates was a particularly interesting case. People and groups with ties to Russia are facing big problems when they try to get financial sanctions put on them because of these acts.

United Arab Emirates tax residency service

United Arab Emirates tax residency service
United Arab Emirates tax residency service

Zhdanova is also said to have assisted a “Russian clientele’s acquisition of United Arab Emirates tax residency services.” These services included creating bank accounts, issuing identification cards, and obtaining a Russian client’s tax-resident
status in the United Arab Emirates. It was reported that payments were made using cash or virtual currency and that the money was first deposited in a Dubai bank account before being moved, at the client’s request, to other bank accounts.


“In response to Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, OFAC has imposed expansive economic sanctions on the Russian financial system. In March 2022, Ekaterina Zhdanova … assisted a Russian client in obfuscating their source of wealth to transfer over $2.3 million into Western Europe through a fraudulently opened investment account and real estate purchases,” the Treasury Department said in a press release Friday.

A Russian oligarch requested Zhdanova’s assistance in transferring assets worth $100 million to the United Arab Emirates, according to the department. Apart from that, Zhdanova is also accused of helping Russian clients open bank accounts and residency permits in the UAE so they could manage their money globally and avoid the consequences of sanctions placed on Russia.

US sanctions Russian national for helping elites launder money

“Zhdanova relies on multiple methods of value transfer to move funds internationally. This includes the use of cash and leveraging connections to other international money laundering associates and organizations,” Treasury officials said.

Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, Brian E. Nelson, said that people such as Zhdanova were instrumental in helping ransomware groups, other criminal organizations, and Russian elites get around international and U.S. sanctions—particularly by using virtual currencies.

Zhdanova is also accused of helping the Ryuk ransomware organization launder $2.3 million in funds that were obtained illegally.

The Ryuk gang was formally acknowledged as a threat to U.S. healthcare facilities in 2022. The group has a history of using ransomware attacks to target American hospitals.

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