Oligarchs Assets

The Chocolate Museum in Saint Petersburg owned by Lyubov Prigozhina 2023

The Chocolate Museum, located in the basement of the Stroganov Palace in Saint Petersburg, is a renowned attraction that offers a diverse range of chocolate products and sculptures. It’s a must-visit spot for chocolate enthusiasts, and visitors can enjoy a unique experience at the designer-chocolate boutique.

Beyond being a delightful spot for chocolate enthusiasts, the museum also serves as a retail outlet, offering a variety of chocolate products for purchase. Notably, the museum is associated with Yevgeny Prigozhin, a well-known Russian businessman and founder of the Wagner Group. His wife, Lyubov Prigozhina, a former pharmacist turned businesswoman, owns several resorts, a chocolate factory, and the Chocolate Museum itself.

You can find the museum at 18 Zhukovskogo Street, Saint Petersburg.

Founder: Lyubov Prigozhina

Who is Lyubov Prigozhina?

Lyubov Valentinovna Prigozhina, born on June 26, 1970, is a Russian businesswoman and pharmacist. She is married to Yevgeny Prigozhin, a controversial oligarch and mercenary chief. Prigozhina owns various businesses, including a chain of boutique stores, a day spa, and a wellness center. Notably, she is the proprietor of the Chocolate Museum in Saint Petersburg.

Despite facing sanctions due to her association with Yevgeny Prigozhin, she remains a significant supporter of her husband and plays a pivotal role in managing the operations of the Wagner Group. Prigozhina also owns a spa in the Leningrad region and the Crystal Spa & Residence, a boutique hotel. Her net worth is estimated to be around $5 million as of August 2023.

Her role in establishing and managing the Chocolate Museum

Lyubov Prigozhina owns and manages the Chocolate Museum in Saint Petersburg, which is part of her boutique establishments in the city. Her responsibilities include overseeing the museum’s operations to ensure visitors have a distinctive and enjoyable experience at the designer-chocolate boutique. The museum is renowned for its handmade chocolates, chocolate sculptures, and even a chocolate Lenin.

Although successful in the business industry, Lyubov Prigozhina is primarily recognized for her association with her husband, Yevgeny Prigozhin, a controversial oligarch and mercenary chief.

The Chocolate Museum

Notable achievements or contributions related to the museum.

Lyubov Prigozhina has made a significant mark with the creation and leadership of the Chocolate Museum in Saint Petersburg, a notable accomplishment in this culturally rich city. This museum, part of her boutique chain, stands out as one of her most impressive achievements.

The museum provides a distinctive experience through its designer chocolate boutique, showcasing handmade chocolates and chocolate sculptures, including a unique chocolate rendering of Lenin. In her role as proprietor, Prigozhina oversees the museum’s day-to-day operations, ensuring visitors have a delightful and memorable time.

This establishment has not only enhanced the cultural scene of Saint Petersburg but has also left a lasting imprint on its culinary landscape. It has become a magnet for chocolate enthusiasts and tourists alike, drawn to the unique offerings and immersive experience curated by Prigozhina.

History of The Chocolate Museum

The Chocolate Museum in Saint Petersburg, initially conceived as a designer chocolate boutique in 2007, boasts an intriguing history rooted in the depths of the Stroganov Palace basement.

This unique establishment was created not only to tantalize taste buds with delectable treats but also to serve as a platform for showcasing the artistry of chocolate making, offering visitors an unforgettable experience.

Over time, the museum has evolved, expanding its repertoire to include not just artisanal chocolates but also captivating chocolate sculptures. Among its notable attractions is a life-sized chocolate Lenin, adding a touch of whimsy to the overall experience.

What began as a niche museum has metamorphosed into a versatile retail haven. Beyond the immersive displays, the Chocolate Museum has become a destination for those seeking high-quality chocolate products, available for purchase.

To encapsulate its journey:

  • Birthed in the recesses of the Stroganov Palace basement.
  • Blossomed with the addition of imaginative chocolate sculptures.
  • Garnered attention with the introduction of a chocolate Lenin.
  • Matured into a dynamic retail space, catering to chocolate enthusiasts with a diverse array of products.

Unique Exhibits and Collections

Discover the Chocolate Museum in Saint Petersburg, a captivating destination drawing visitors with its unique exhibits and collections. While specific details about the Saint Petersburg museum are not readily available, other chocolate museums worldwide provide insights into the diverse aspects of chocolate’s origin, history, and cultural significance.

For instance, the Chocolate Museum in Cologne stands out for its extensive collection of advertising materials from the chocolate market, spanning the early 1900s to the 1950s. Meanwhile, the Saint Petersburg Chocolate Museum is renowned for its impressive chocolate sculptures and figurines, promising a delightful and visually appealing experience to its visitors.

Unique Exhibits and Collections
Unique Exhibits and Collections
Unique Exhibits and Collections

Despite primarily serving as a store, the Saint Petersburg museum goes beyond by presenting a wide array of creatively shaped chocolate figures. It’s an ideal destination for exploration, offering a unique selection of chocolate gifts. Although detailed information about the specific exhibits and collections is limited, the museum’s emphasis on chocolate sculptures aligns with the creative and visually captivating displays found in chocolate museums globally.

Unique or rare items that make the museum stand out

The museum is renowned for its remarkable chocolate sculptures and figurines, providing visitors with a delightful and visually appealing experience. Additionally, it serves as a retail outlet, offering a variety of chocolate products for sale.

Although the museum shares similarities with other chocolate museums worldwide in its emphasis on creative and visually captivating displays, there is limited information about any distinctive or rare items that set it apart.

Interactive elements or experiences that visitors can enjoy at the museum

The Chocolate Museum in Saint Petersburg also referred to as a designer-chocolate boutique, promises a delightful and distinctive encounter for visitors through its artisanal chocolates and intricate chocolate sculptures. While the details of specific interactive features aren’t extensively provided in available sources, the museum primarily focuses on captivating enthusiasts with its array of chocolate sculptures and figurines.

As visitors explore the boutique, they’ll encounter a diverse collection of uniquely shaped chocolate figures, making it an ideal destination for those seeking imaginative and one-of-a-kind chocolate gifts. Beyond the visual appeal, the museum doubles as a retail outlet, allowing patrons to bring home their personalized chocolate creations, including a chocolate rendition of Lenin.

While specific interactive elements aren’t explicitly outlined, the chance to both explore and purchase a varied selection of chocolate products significantly enhances the overall experience at the Chocolate Museum in Saint Petersburg.

Visitor Experience: Chocolate Museum of Saint Petersburg

The Chocolate Museum in Saint Petersburg promises a delightful experience, showcasing handmade chocolates and chocolate sculptures. As you wander through the boutique, you’ll encounter a diverse array of uniquely shaped chocolate figures, making it an ideal spot to discover one-of-a-kind and imaginative chocolate gifts. The museum doubles as a retail outlet, allowing visitors to bring home their personalized chocolate creations, including a chocolate Lenin.

Although specific interactive features aren’t extensively detailed in available sources, the opportunity to explore and purchase a wide range of chocolate products enhances the overall visit to the Chocolate Museum in Saint Petersburg. The museum also boasts an impressive display of reasonably priced chocolate, providing an added treat for visitors.

Impact on Tourism

The Chocolate Museum in Saint Petersburg has garnered varied feedback from visitors, revealing a spectrum of opinions. The key takeaways from these reviews are as follows:

  1. Compact Chocolate Shop Perception:
    • Some visitors perceive the museum more as a compact chocolate shop than a conventional museum, providing a somewhat restricted experience.
  2. Noteworthy Chocolate-shaped Items:
    • While the museum does showcase intriguing chocolate-shaped items, the overall encounter is deemed brief.
  3. Positive Acknowledgments:
    • On platforms like TripAdvisor and Restaurant Guru, the Chocolate Museum has earned positive reviews, underscoring its allure for visitors.
  4. Sweet Tooth Haven:
    • Regarded as a haven for those with a sweet tooth, the museum boasts an array of handcrafted chocolates and chocolate sculptures.


The Chocolate Museum in Saint Petersburg holds significant appeal for visitors keen on delving into the world of chocolate. Despite mixed reviews—some visitors viewing it more as a quaint chocolate shop than a traditional museum—others hail it as a sweet-tooth paradise, showcasing an array of handmade chocolates and chocolate sculptures. Situated in the cultural heart of St. Petersburg, the museum enhances the city’s allure for tourists seeking unconventional and captivating attractions. In summary, the Chocolate Museum in Saint Petersburg has left an indelible mark on tourism, drawing visitors with its unique offerings and chocolate-centric charm.

Alexander Harris

Alexander Harris - The Digital Bloodhound Alexander isn't your typical investigative journalist. He thrives in the digital world, scouring the web for hidden connections and leaked documents. An expert data analyst and coder, he builds intricate digital trails to expose fraud, cybercrime, and government overreach. Alexander Harris began his career as a journalist. He is one of the founders of the " Russian Oligarchs Tracker Unit ".

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